Available Technologies


Monte Carlo Inference for Hidden Markov Models

Technology, Software / Case number: #12326
Moe Win / Henk Wymeersch / Faisal Kashif
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Wide Band RF Waveguide and Hybrid Integration in a Silicon Package

Technology / Case number: #12251L
Carl Bozler / Steven Rabe / Peter Wyatt / Craig Keast / Jeremy Muldavin
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Electromagnetic Wave Broadband Angular Selectivity

Technology / Case number: #16896
Yichen Shen / Dexin Ye / John D Joannopoulos / Steven G Johnson / Marin Soljacic / Ivan Celanovic
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution

Integration of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector in Photonic Integrated Chips

Technology / Case number: #15175J
Faraz Najafi / Jacob Mower / Dirk R Englund / Xialong Hu / Karl Berggren
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Quantum-Secure Multiparty Deep Learning

Technology / Case number: #26054
Dirk R Englund / Kfir Sulimany Solan
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Microwave Beam Steering for Radar Antennas Through the Use of Waveguide Mode Mixing

Technology / Case number: #15351L
James Anderson
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Electrophoretic Deposition of Extreme High/Low Surfaces Energy Coatings

Technology / Case number: #14209
Cullen R. Buie / Young Soo Joung
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Connected World

Method of Lift-off Patterning Thin-Films In-Situ Employing Resist Phase Change

Technology / Case number: #14113K
Matthias Bahlke / Hiroshi Mendoza / Marc Baldo
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Cross-Technology MIMO Mechanisms

Technology / Case number: #14992J
Dina Katabi / Shyamnath Gollakota / Fadel Adib / Srinivasan Seshan
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Quick Response (QR) Data Collection, Monitoring, and Tracking Labels for Product Warranty

Technology / Case number: #14828
Kenfield Griffith
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Improvements to Phase-shift Keyed Transmitters and Receivers

Technology / Case number: #14103L
Marc Norvig / Don Boroson / David Caplan / Hemonth Rao / Bryan Robinson / Scott Hamilton / Neal Spellmeyer
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

A Practical Approach to Network Function Computations

Technology / Case number: #14626
Soheil Feizi-Khankandi / Muriel Medard
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Luminescence Enhancement by Resonant Energy Transfer from an Absorptive Thin Film

Technology / Case number: #14587
Brian Walker / Gleb Akselrod / William A. Tisdale / Moungi G Bawendi / Vladimir Bulovic / Jonathan Tischler
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Locally Adaptive Sampling

Technology / Case number: #14517
Vivek Goyal / Soheil Feizi-Khankandi / Muriel Medard
Technology Areas: Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Systems, Devices, and Methods Utilizing Hybrid Photonic Crystal Cavities

Technology / Case number: #26158J
Dirk R Englund / Ian Christen / Mark Dong / Andy Greenspon
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Machine Learning-Guided Discovery of Nanoparticle Formulations Maximizing mRNA Transfection

Technology / Case number: #25890J
Giovanni Traverso / Ameya Kirtane / Joshua Bernstock / Alvin Chan / Jonathan Woo / Deepak Subramanian / Simon Qu / Xisha Huang / Hao Song / Taksim Ahmed
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

Eigencluster: A Divide-and-merge Method for Finding Innate Clusterings on-the-fly

Technology / Case number: #11626J
Ravi Kannan / Grant Wang / David Cheng / Santosh Vempala
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Signal-Flow Architecture for Cooperative Control and Resource Allocation

Technology / Case number: #16024
Tom Baran / Alan Oppenheim
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Emulsions by Condensation, Methods of Making, and Devices Incorporating the Same

Technology / Case number: #17208
Sushant Anand / Seyed Reza Mahmoudi / Ingrid Guha / Kripa K Varanasi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation

Method for Forming Magneto-optical Film for Integrated Photonic Devices

Technology / Case number: #17620
Mehmet Onbasli / Xueyin Sun / Caroline Ross
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 1501 results

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