Quick Release Capsules for Small Intestine Delivery
Articles for rapid release of components including. for cxiunplc, quick release capsules, arc gcncraliy providisk Advantageously, ui some cmbodimcnts, thc articles dcscribcd herein may bc conligurixl to prevent lluid I'rom contacting a component h contained therein (e g., tissue interfacing component) or payload contained therein until a desired time, e.g., the time at which the component is configured to release from the article to a location internal to a sublcct (c.g., localixc lo a tissue eall In lhe subito(). In some cmbodimcnox thc article composes a lirsl compart ment and a second compartment nol In tluid commuiucalion with the first compartment In sonic embodiments, the first cmnpartment mid second compartment are fluidically iso lated. For example. in some cases, the first compmtment comprises a mechanism forreleasing a component contained withal lhc Ilrticlc and lhc ace olid conlptillnlclll conlpll sea lie conlpollcnt.
quick release capsules
United States of America | Published application
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