Methods, Procedures, and Material Compositions to Formulate Thermally Stable Solid-State Lipid Nanoparticles via Drying at Ambient Conditions
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #26177
Departments: David H Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Res, Office of the Institute Professors, Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Electrical Eng & Computer Sci
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomanufacturing / Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials, Polymers / Drug Delivery: Microparticles & Nanoparticles / Therapeutics: Nucleic Acids, Small Molecules
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
methods, procedures, and material compositions to formulate thermally stable solid-state lipid nanoparticles via drying at ambient conditions
United States of America | Pending
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