Hybrid Hydrogel to Support 3D Culture of Primary Human Cells
Women's Health
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #25192
Departments: Department of Biological Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Polymers / Drug Discovery and Research Tools: Cell Culture, Cell Lines & Organoids
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
hybrid hydrogels for culturing endometrial and stromalorganoid cells
Patent Cooperation Treaty | Pending
Cook, C., A. Hill, M. Guo, L. Stockdale, M. de Geus, K. B. Isaacson, and L. G. Griffith. "A Facile Synthetic Extracellular Matrix Approach for Functional 3D Co-culture of Endometrial Stromal and Epithelial Cells." In TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, vol. 21, pp. S403-S403. 140 HUGUENOT STREET, 3RD FL, NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10801 USA: MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC, 2015.
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