A High-Energy Rechargeable Al-CO2 Battery for CO2 Capture/Conversion and Electric Power Generation/Storage
CO2 Capture
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #21609
A metal-carbon dioxide battery can include an aluminum-containing anode and a carbon-containing cathode.
Shuya Wei
Angela Belcher
Jifa Qi
Departments: Department of Biological Engineering
Technology Areas: Energy & Distribution: Electrochemical Devices, Energy Storage / Environmental Engineering: Carbon Capture
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization
a high-energy rechargeable al-co2 battery for co2 capture/conversion and electric power generation/storage
United States of America | Published application
Fetrow, Christopher, Cameron Carugati, Xingwen Yu, Xiao-Dong Zhou, and Shuya Wei. “A Secondary al–Co2 Battery Enabled by Aluminum Iodide as a Homogeneous Redox Mediator.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, no. 10 (March 3, 2023): 12908–14. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c18323.
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