Engineered Protein Treatments for Hair Repair and Long-Lasting Color Retention

This invention introduces consumer-facing methods for use in hair care, repair, and coloration products. Applications from this invention outperform existing hair care products without damaging hair or making texture oily.


Bradley D. Olsen / Sieun Kim

Departments: Department of Chemical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Synthetic Biology
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • engineered treatments for hair repair and long-lasting color retention
    India | Published application
  • engineered treatments for hair repair and long-lasting color retention
    Japan | Published application
  • engineered treatments for hair repair and long-lasting color retention
    Korea (south) | Published application



This technology is a hair care treatment which uses engineered natural keratin proteins to bind to and strengthen damaged hair. By using a protein binding approach, rather than the traditional additives present in many modern hair care products, the chemicals that can be harmful to hair are removed. Therefore, the risk for damaged hair or an allergic reaction is reduced. Additionally, due to natural coloration that can be implemented when engineering the proteins, this technology can serve as the foundation for natural hair dyes that will strengthen hair, rather than damage it. This results in much longer-lasting treatment, without making hair feel oily or damaging it with chemicals.

Problem Addressed

Hair can be damaged by age, repeated washing, heat, or existing hair care products like dyes. This technology introduces hair care products integrated with engineered protein analogues to natural hair proteins. This results in the repair of damaged hair. This technology can be applied to dyes and repair products, due to the strong binding and natural coloration of the keratin which acts as a binding protein. This technology also reduces the harmful chemicals present in many modern hair care products, which damage hair and can cause allergic reactions.  


  • Bypasses harmful chemicals traditionally used in hair care products 

  • Provides water-resistance without greasy feeling hair 

  • Lowered risk for allergic reactions 

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