Peter So

Professor, Mechanical & Bio Eng

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas
Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Sensors & Monitoring / Sensing & Imaging: Imaging, Optical Sensing, Chemical & Radiation Sensing / Electronics & Photonics: Lasers, Photonics / Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Manufacturing & Equipment / Biomaterials & Bioelectronics: Health Monitoring


A Method for Fabrication of 3D Multimaterial Nanostructures and its use Thereof

Technology / Case number: #25087MH
Edward Stuart Boyden / Daniel Oran / Yi Cui / Quansan Yang / Peter So
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation

High Sensitivity Temporal Focusing Widefield Multiphoton Endoscope Capable of Deep Imaging

Technology / Case number: #14669JDE
Colin Sheppard / Daekeun Kim / Yan Seng Elijah Yew / Heejin Choi / Vijay Raj Singh / Hanry Yu / Jagath Rajapakse / Peter So
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Overcoming Emission Photon Scattering in Wide-Field Microscopy

Technology / Case number: #20164P
Christopher Rowlands / Jong Kang Park / Yi Xue / Kalen Berry / Balpreet Ahluwalia / Dushan Wadduwage / Peter So / Elly Nedivi
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Subcutaneous Fat Thickness Measurement by Raman Spectroscopy

Technology / Case number: #21761J
Jeon Woong Kang / Hyung Min Kim / Peter So
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Phase Cancellation Microscopy Setup

Technology / Case number: #22134
Vijay Raj Singh / Zahid Yaqoob / Dushan Wadduwage / Dominika Lyzwa / Peter So
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

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