High Sensitivity Temporal Focusing Widefield Multiphoton Endoscope Capable of Deep Imaging

An imaging system is provided that includes a pulsed light source providing pulsed light and is applicable to both microscopes and endoscopes. One or more optical elements with certain dispersive properties are positioned to receive the pulsed light and apply selective dispersive properties to shift the focal plane according to the user and to produce two photon (2p) wide field uniform illumination and 2p wide field structured illumination for the purpose of improving the optical axial resolution and rejection of background signal. An imaging element receives the signal arising from the 2p wide field uniform illumination and 2p wide field structured illumination and produces a respective 3D resolved image of a sample.


Colin Sheppard / Daekeun Kim / Yan Seng Elijah Yew / Heejin Choi / Vijay Raj Singh / Hanry Yu / Jagath Rajapakse / Peter So

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics: Photonics / Sensing & Imaging: Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • high sensitivity temporal focusing widefield multiphoton endoscope capable of deep imaging
    United States of America | Granted | 9,867,525

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