Bert Joannes C Vandereydt

Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas
Biotechnology: Biomanufacturing, Synthetic Biology / Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials, Polymers / Environmental Engineering: Water Treatment / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Logistics, Manufacturing & Equipment


Method of Removing Surface-Fouling and Attached-Cells for Chemically and Physically Sensitive Applications through Bubble-Generation

Technology / Case number: #25167
Baptiste Blanc / Bert Joannes C Vandereydt / Kripa Varanasi
Technology Areas: Environmental Engineering / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Charged Hydrogels for Concentrating Proteins

Technology / Case number: #24139
Baptiste Blanc / Fabian Dickhardt / Bert Joannes C Vandereydt / Kripa Varanasi
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials

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