Klaus-Jurgen Bathe


Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas
Computer Science: Bioinformatics
Impact Areas

Background and Experience

Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Bathe is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA. He teaches and performs research in the areas of applied and computational mechanics of structures, fluids, and electromagnetics. Professor Bathe is also the Founder of the company ADINA R & D, Inc. where he leads the development of the ADINA system, used world-wide for the analysis of structures, fluids, and multi-physics problems. He has published numerous articles, six textbooks and the book To Enrich Life. He is a co-editor of the international journal Computers and Structures, and the Editor of the proceedings of twelve M.I.T. Conferences on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis and seven M.I.T. Conferences on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. He has been honoured by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, M.I.T. and many other universities around the world (including receiving honorary doctorates), for his innovative teaching, his pioneering work, his fundamental contributions in computational mechanics, his development of widely used engineering software, and his outstanding efforts in bridging the world between academia and industry. 


Extension of a Finite Element Framework for Calculation of DNA Nanostructure Solution Shape, Mechanical, and Optical Properties

Technology / Case number: #16421
Mark Bathe / Do-Nyun Kim / Matthew Adendorff / Keyao Pan / Lun Yang / Reza Sharifi Sedeh / Etienne Boulais / Oskar Hallatschek / Klaus-Jurgen Bathe
Technology Areas: Computer Science
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

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