Available Technologies


Technology and Techniques to Use Neurophysiologically Determined Feedback to Measure Independent Capacities of the Right and Left Halves of the Brain

Technology / Case number: #18448P
Earl Miller / Timothy Buschman / Simon Kornblith
Technology Areas: Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

All-CMOS Compressive Sensing for Biological Imaging

Technology / Case number: #19165P
Jonathan Newman / Jie Zhang / Sang Chin / Matthew Wilson
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science / Sensing & Imaging

Base Station Ordering Technique (BoLT) for Localization in Dense Cellular Networks

Technology / Case number: #19869J
Moe Win / Wenhan Dai / Mohamed-Slim Alouini / Hesham ElSawy
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Field Dependent Sensors from Redox Active Carbon Nanomaterials

Technology / Case number: #19822J
Suchol Savagatrup / Maggie He / Sibo Lin / Vera Schroeder / Xi-Xiang Zhang / Khaled Salama / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Fabrication Method for Endcapped Fiber Laser Pigtails with Sub-Micron Virtual Waist Positional Accuracy

Technology / Case number: #21218L
Jason Langseth / Christopher Hwang / John Nowak / Daniel Miller / David Fouche / Joshua Olitzky
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Data-Driven Angular Jitter Estimator for Lidar

Technology / Case number: #21433L
Eric Statz / Eric Phelps / Charles Primmerman
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science

Coated Active Cantilever Probes for Opaque Liquid Environment AFM Imaging

Technology / Case number: #21538J
Yi Wang / Fangzhou Xia / Chen Yang / Kamal Youcef-Toumi / Ivo Rangelow / Christoph Reuter / Tzvetan Ivanov / Mathias Holz
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Sensing & Imaging

Dual Polarized Notch Antenna Having Low Profile Stripline Feed

Technology / Case number: #21017L
Glenn Brigham
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Fiber Based RF Phased-Array Antennas

Technology / Case number: #21616L
Alexander Stolyarov / Sivasubramaniam Yegnanarayanan / Lauren Cantley / Alan Fenn
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

A Novel Design of High-Temperature Molten Salts Structure Analysis System

Technology / Case number: #23534J
Boris Khaykovich / Guiqiu (Tony) Zheng / David Sprouster
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials
Impact Areas: Connected World

Electrically-Triggered Degradation Of The Drug/Bacteria Chamber Covering

Technology / Case number: #24830J
Betar Gallant / Giovanni Traverso / Miguel Jimenez / Sean You / Seokkee Min / Rishabh Mittal / So-Yoon Yang / Adam Gierlach / James McRae / Kewang Nan / Yiyuan Yang / Emily Kolaya / Kyeongho Kim / Yeseul Jeon / Ian Ballinger / Anantha Chandrakasan
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution

Secure and Stable Wireless Communication for an Ingestible Device

Technology / Case number: #25143J
Giovanni Traverso / Adam Gierlach / James McRae / Yeseul Jeon / Ian Ballinger / Anantha Chandrakasan
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Communication Systems

Engineered Synthetic IRES with Improved and Robust Translation in Circular RNA

Technology / Case number: #25300YJ
James Collins / Katherine Ilia / Shiva Razavi / Kehan Zhang / Xiaoyu Chen / Makoto Lalwani / Yu Li / Nayoung Kim
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Lipid Anchorage of Cytokines onto Layer-by-Layer Nanoparticles

Technology / Case number: #25070H
Ivan Pires / Darrell J Irvine / Paula Hammond
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Cell-Surface Anchored Cytokine Therapy

Technology, Tangible Property / Case number: #25245H
Luciano Santollani / Darrell J Irvine / Karl Dane Wittrup
Technology Areas: Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Single-shot 16-fold Expansion Microscopy (16ExM)

Technology / Case number: #24859MH
Edward Stuart Boyden / Laura L Kiessling / Tay Won Shin / Shiwei Wang / Yixi Liu / Harley Yoder
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Soft Robotic, 3D-Printed Simulator of Heart Function and Disease

Technology / Case number: #25013J
Ellen Roche / Caglar Ozturk / Luca Rosalia / Jean Bonnemain / Sophie Wang / Christopher Nguyen / Debkalpa Goswami
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Spatially Localized Gene Delivery of Adeno-Associated Viruses

Technology / Case number: #25055
Polina Anikeeva / Keisuke Nagao
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Ultrastructural Membrane Expansion Microscopy

Technology / Case number: #25088HM
Edward Stuart Boyden / Tay Won Shin
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Modulation Indices for Tracking the Level of Anesthesia-Mediated Unconsciousness

Technology / Case number: #25121PJ
Emery N Brown / Earl Miller / Elie Adam / Ohyoon Kwon / Karla Montejo / Meredith Mahnke / Jefferson Roy
Technology Areas: Biotechnology
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 1673 results

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