Computer-Controlled Ankle-Foot Prosthesis With Series J-Spring Actuation

An ankle-foot prosthesis comprises a foot structure having a foot keel leaf spring, a heel leaf spring, and an upper J leaf spring above the keel leaf spring. An ankle bearing block is mounted to the keel leaf spring and a shank shell is mounted to the ankle bearing block. A shank interface mounts to the shank shell. A processor controlled active element extends along an axis between the shank shell and the upper leaf-spring.


Matthew Carney / Daniel Levine / Matthew Handford / Christopher Williams / Hugh M Herr

Departments: Prog in Media Arts Sciences, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Prostheses
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • computer-controlled ankle-foot prosthesis with series j-spring actuation
    United States of America | Granted | 11,883,305

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