Available Technologies


Siderophore-Based Immunization Against Gram-Negative Bacteria

Technology / Case number: #16976J
Phoom Chairatana / Manuela Raffatellu / Martina Corsi / Araceli Perez-Lopez / Elizabeth M. Nolan
Technology Areas: Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Reducing View Transitions Artifacts in Automultiscopic Displays

Technology / Case number: #16850
Wojciech Matusik / Piotr Didyk / Songpei Du / Fredo Durand (he/him/his)
Technology Areas: Communication Systems
Impact Areas: Connected World

An Approach to Modeling Social Identity using Dynamic Group Membership for Use in Digital Media Such as Videogames and Social Media

Technology / Case number: #16989
D. Fox Harrell
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Dihydrogen Tetrametaphosphate: A Potent Precursor to New Organo and Metallo Phosphate Species

Technology / Case number: #17026
Yanfeng Jiang / Khetpakorn Chakarawet / Julia Stauber / Christopher Cummins
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials
Impact Areas: Connected World

Accurate Indoor Localization With Zero Start-Up Cost

Technology / Case number: #17027
Dina Katabi / Daniela Rus / Swarun Suresh Kumar / Stephanie Gil
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Load Variation Detection and Compensation in Device-to-Device Wireless Charging

Technology / Case number: #16727
Rui Jin / Anantha Chandrakasan
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Communication Systems / Energy & Distribution

Lithium-Ion Fiber Battery

Technology / Case number: #16676
Benjamin Grena / Yoel Fink
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Energy & Distribution

Plant Nanobionics

Technology / Case number: #16515
Michael S. Strano / Juan Pablo Giraldo Gomez / Sean Faltermeier / Markita Landry
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials
Impact Areas: Connected World

Methods for Treating Polycystic Kidney Disease

Technology / Case number: #16389J
John M Essigmann / Bogdan I Fedeles / Sorin Fedeles / Stefan Somlo / Robert Croy
Technology Areas: Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Pulse Detection from Head Motions in Video

Technology / Case number: #16417
Guha Balakrishnan / John Guttag / Fredo Durand (he/him/his)
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Communication Systems
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Use of Gel Pads or Particles with Oil Isolation to Create Small Reaction Volumes

Technology / Case number: #16388
Patrick Doyle / Rathi Srinivas
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Engineering DNA Assembly in Vivo and Knock Down of Gene Expression Using the Reverse Transcriptase Activity

Technology / Case number: #16593
Christopher Voigt / Johann Elbaz
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Broadband and Ultrahigh Resolution Spectrometer Based on a Multimode Waveguide

Technology / Case number: #16610
Dirk R Englund / Edward Chen / Tim Schroder / Fan Meng / Noel Wan / Ren-Jye Shiue
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Communication Systems / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Connected World

Electrically Activated Shape Memory Ceramics

Technology / Case number: #16618
Christopher Schuh / Alan Lai
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Connected World

Method and Apparatus for Uniform Single-Sided Induction Heating

Technology / Case number: #16611
Al-Thaddeus Avestruz / Shahriar Khushrushahi / Arthur Chang / Arijit Banerjee / Steven Leeb
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Connected World

Refraction Wiggles for Measuring Fluid Depth and Velocity from Video

Technology / Case number: #17103
Michael Rubinstein / Neal Wadhwa / Tianfan Xue / William Freeman / Fredo Durand (he/him/his)
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Connected World

Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes as In Vivo Sensors

Technology / Case number: #16531
Michael S. Strano / Nigel Reuel / Thomas McNicholas / Nicole Iverson
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Algorithms for Scheduled Lightpath Switching in Optical Networks with Channel Impairments

Technology / Case number: #17279
Lei Zhang / Vincent Chan
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

High-Frequency, High Density PFC Power Conversion

Technology / Case number: #17250
David Otten / Juan Santiago-Gonzalez / David J Perreault / Khurram Afridi
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Connected World

Ice Cream 3D Printing via FDM

Technology / Case number: #17297K
Kyle Hounsell / Kristine Bunker / Donghyun Kim / Jamison Go / Anastasios John Hart
Technology Areas: Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 1643 results

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