Available Technologies


A Mechanical Underwater Soft Adhesion System for Kinetic Biosensing and Intelligent Targeted Drug Delivery

Technology / Case number: #26028J
Giovanni Traverso / Ameya Kirtane / Ming Zhao / Troy Ziliang Kang / Yubin Cai
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Biotechnology / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics

Olfactory Receptor-Based Devices

Technology / Case number: #12776TE
Manu Prakash / Andreas Mershin / Brian Cook / Joanke (Johanna) Bikker Graveland / Liselotte Kaiser / Shuguang Zhang / Yael Maguire / David Kong
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science / Therapeutics

Reversible and Ratiometric Sensing using Nanocrystals

Technology / Case number: #11693
Preston Snee / Rebecca Somers / Moungi G Bawendi / Daniel Nocera
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Electronics & Photonics / Therapeutics

Machine Learning-Guided Discovery of Nanoparticle Formulations Maximizing mRNA Transfection

Technology / Case number: #25890J
Giovanni Traverso / Ameya Kirtane / Joshua Bernstock / Alvin Chan / Jonathan Woo / Deepak Subramanian / Simon Qu / Xisha Huang / Hao Song / Taksim Ahmed
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

Lithium-Ion Fiber Battery

Technology / Case number: #16676
Benjamin Grena / Yoel Fink
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Energy & Distribution

Fluorescent Metal-Based Nitric Oxide Sensor for Live Cells

Technology / Case number: #11806
Mi Hee Lim / Stephen J Lippard
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Sensing & Imaging / Therapeutics

One-Step Protein Analysis Using Slanted Nanofilter Array

Technology / Case number: #17391
Sung Ko / Jongyoon Han
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

Machine-Learning Optimized Proteins and Enzymes

Technology / Case number: #26015J
Omar Abudayyeh / Jonathan S. Gootenberg / Lukas Villiger / Kaiyi Jiang / Matteo Di Bernardo / Zhaoqing Yan
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Therapeutics

Zwitterionic Dopamine Sulfonate Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles

Technology / Case number: #15322
Numpon Insin / Hee-Sun Han / He Wei / Moungi G Bawendi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery / Sensing & Imaging

Cystic Fibrosis Correction with Programmable Genomic Editing

Technology / Case number: #24666
Omar Abudayyeh / Jonathan S. Gootenberg / Matthew Yarnall / Christopher Fell
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Therapeutics

Hydrogel Carriers for Monoclonal Antibody Crystals

Technology / Case number: #21065J
Patrick Doyle / Jeremy Schieferstein / Paul Reichert / Chakravarthy Narasimhan / Amir Erfani Khaneghahi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

Injectable Hydrogel and Uses Thereof

Technology / Case number: #16662J
Yizhou Dong / Benjamin Tang / Kun Xue / Matthew Webber / Omid Veiseh / Weiheng Wang / Eric Appel / Robert Langer / Daniel Anderson
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery

Genomic Insertion of Large Cargo with Engineered Retro Elements

Technology / Case number: #23248
Omar Abudayyeh / Jonathan S. Gootenberg / Lukas Villiger / Justin Lim
Technology Areas: Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics

The Design of DNA-scaffolded Subunit Vaccines for Enhanced Germinal Center Responses in HIV Vaccination

Technology / Case number: #25982H
Mark Bathe / Grant Knappe / Anna Romanov / Darrell J Irvine
Technology Areas: Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Controlled Assembly of Lipid-Based Nanoparticles from Surfactant Micelles

Technology / Case number: #25418H
Ivan Pires / Darrell J Irvine / Paula Hammond
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Delivery

Artificially Engineered Protein Hydrogels to Mimic Nucleoporin Selective Gating

Technology / Case number: #17166
Bradley D. Olsen / Minkyu Kim
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Therapeutics

Scalable and High throughput Assembly of Layer-by-Layer Nanoparticles

Technology / Case number: #25554H
Ivan Pires / Darrell J Irvine / Paula Hammond
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery

Ionizable Lipid OF-02 and its Use in mRNA Delivery

Technology / Case number: #17733
Joseph Dorkin / Owen Fenton / Kevin Kauffman / Rebecca McClellan / Daniel Anderson
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery

Tunable Structure of Biodegradable Silk-Based Microcapsules for Soluble and Insoluble Payload Delivery

Technology / Case number: #23764J
Benedetto Marelli / Muchun Liu / Pierre-Eric Millard / Henning Urch / Ophelie Zeyons / Rupert Konradi / Bernd Oschmann / Yagmur Yegin
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery

Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry (MRR) for Rapid and Non-invasive Detection of iPSC Quality and Differentiation

Technology / Case number: #24427DJE
Sing Yian Chew / Daniel Roxby / Zu Yao Tan / Tan Dai Nguyen / Jongyoon Han
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 56 results

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