Available Technologies


Infrastructure-free NLoS Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Cars

Technology / Case number: #22032J
Daniela Rus / Guy Rosman / Sertac Karaman / Felix Naser / Igor Gilitschenski / Alexander Amini / Christina Liao
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Narrow-Linewidth Microcavity Brillouin Laser with Suppressed Temperature Fluctuations

Technology / Case number: #20042L
Paul Juodawlkis / William Loh / Sivasubramaniam Yegnanarayanan
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Industrial Engineering & Automation

Fabrication of Solid Wedge Etalon for Computational Spectroscopy

Technology / Case number: #22777L
Shawn Redmond / Patrick Hassett / Salvatore Di Cecca
Technology Areas: Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Microstrip Stacked Patch Antenna Phased Array with Spherical Spacers

Technology / Case number: #22772L
James Smith / Pierre Dufilie / David Kindler / Christopher Nutting
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Tunable Structure of Biodegradable Silk-Based Microcapsules for Soluble and Insoluble Payload Delivery

Technology / Case number: #23764J
Benedetto Marelli / Muchun Liu / Pierre-Eric Millard / Henning Urch / Ophelie Zeyons / Rupert Konradi / Bernd Oschmann / Yagmur Yegin
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery

Silicon Nano Light Emitting Diodes

Technology / Case number: #22935DE
Jaehwan Kim / Jin Xue / Zheng Li / Rajeev Ram
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Dissipative, Photon-Assisted Quantum Annealing

Technology / Case number: #22984L
Jamie Kerman
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry (MRR) for Rapid and Non-invasive Detection of iPSC Quality and Differentiation

Technology / Case number: #24427DJE
Sing Yian Chew / Daniel Roxby / Zu Yao Tan / Tan Dai Nguyen / Jongyoon Han
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

VCSEL-based Coherent Scalable dEep Learning (VCSEL)

Technology / Case number: #24366J
Dirk R Englund / Ryan Hamerly / Zaijun Chen
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Air-dropped Accelerometer Probe for Snow Stratigraphy and Characterization

Technology / Case number: #25544
Christopher Eckert / Jeffrey A Hoffman / Alex Miller / Michael Brown / Aaron Makikalli / Cesar Meza
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Energy & Distribution

Method for Manipulating Optical Phase of a Laser Beam

Technology / Case number: #23149L
Andrew Benedick
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

A Phononic Bus for Coherent Interfaces Between a Superconducting Quantum Processor, Spin Memory, and Photonic Quantum Networks

Technology / Case number: #22246J
Dirk R Englund / Matthew Trusheim / Matthew Eichenfield / Tomas Neuman / Prineha Narang
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Self Assembling Molecules on Nanoporous Atomically Thin Membranes for Selective Separations

Technology / Case number: #25490
Rohit N Karnik / Simar Mattewal
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

TOX Inhibitor and Molecular Glue

Technology / Case number: #25241
Angela Koehler / Bocheng Wu
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

A Self-Aligned Dry Etching Method for Mechanical Strain Enhancement of Germanium and Its Uniformity Improvement for Photonic Applications

Technology / Case number: #19374JDE
Yiding Lin / Jurgen Michel / Chuan Seng Tan
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Ingestible Electronics Integrated with Flexible Measurement Electrodes for Gastrointestinal Bioelectric Sensing

Technology / Case number: #23241J
Giovanni Traverso / Robert Langer / Sean You / So-Yoon Yang / Adam Gierlach / George Selsing
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Computer Science

Nonlinear Coupled Magnonics: Terahertz Field-Driven Magnon Upconversion

Technology / Case number: #24504J
Zhuquan Zhang / Edoardo Baldini / Yi (Frank) Gao / Zi-Jie Liu / Yu-Che Chien / Alexander von Hoegen / Eric Sung / Keith A Nelson
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics

Enhancing Quantum Properties of Optically Addressable Molecular Qubits Through Host Matrix Engineering

Technology / Case number: #24109J
Daniel Laorenza / Danna Freedman / Pratiti Deb / Samuel Bayliss / Mykta Onizhuk / Giulia Galli / David Awschalom
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

High Sensitivity Temporal Focusing Widefield Multiphoton Endoscope Capable of Deep Imaging

Technology / Case number: #14669JDE
Colin Sheppard / Daekeun Kim / Yan Seng Elijah Yew / Heejin Choi / Vijay Raj Singh / Hanry Yu / Jagath Rajapakse / Peter So
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Defect Current Control

Technology / Case number: #25328
Zachary Hartwig / Richard Ibekwe / Nicolo Riva
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 942 results

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