Alexander Slocum

Prof, Mech Eng, ESG Director, MacVicar Fellow

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas
Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Biomanufacturing, Synthetic Biology / Energy & Distribution: Energy Storage / Environmental Engineering: Sustainability & Recycling / Chemicals & Materials: Catalysis & Synthesis / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Autonomous Systems, Robotics, Manufacturing & Equipment


Adaptive Volute Geometries for Centrifugal Pumps

Technology / Case number: #21537
Kevin Simon / Hilary Johnson / Alexander Slocum
Technology Areas: Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Modular System for Lyophilization

Technology / Case number: #22603
Alexander Slocum / Bernhardt Trout
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Compact Series Elastic Actuator for Robotic Hands

Technology / Case number: #24943
Alexander Slocum / Pulkit Agrawal / Ruben Castro Ornelas
Technology Areas: Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Biomass Torrefaction Reactor

Technology / Case number: #19594
Santosh Shanbhogue / Ahmed Ghoniem / Kevin Kung / Robert Stoner / Alexander Slocum
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Mechanisms for Controlled Volume Injection into a Soft Media with Concurrent Pressure Measurement

Technology / Case number: #25109
Nevan Hanumara / Tal Cohen / Alexander Slocum / Brendan Unikewicz / Emily Sologuren / Joseph Morales / Andre Pincot / Sarah Sams
Technology Areas: Biotechnology
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Bone Reduction Forcep Allowing for Both Continuous and Discrete Adjustment

Technology / Case number: #18507
Jacob Mooney / Nicholas Kwok / James Connor / Alexander Slocum
Technology Areas: Biotechnology
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

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