Available Technologies


Multi-Stage Membrane Distillation Process

Technology / Case number: #15901
Edward Summers / John Lienhard
Technology Areas: Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization

CD80 is a Biomarker of p53 Activity and a Target for Cancer Therapy

Technology / Case number: #15386H
David Feldser / Leah Schmidt / Tyler Jacks
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Valency Controlled Quantum Dots with Tunable Number of Biotin Binding Sites

Technology / Case number: #12606B
Mark Howarth / Wenhao Liu / Moungi G Bawendi / Alice Ting
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics / Electronics & Photonics / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Methods and Compositions for Protein Labeling Using Lipoic Acid Ligases

Technology / Case number: #12773
Hemanta Baruah / Yoon-Aa Choi / Marta Fernandez Suarez / Alice Ting
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Flow Interference Lithography

Technology / Case number: #12865
Patrick Doyle / Dhananjay Dendukuri / Ji-Hyun Jang / Edwin Thomas / Chaitanya Ullal
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Ion Concentration Polarization - Electrocoagulation Hybrid System for Water Treatment

Technology / Case number: #16823
Siwon Choi / Jongyoon Han
Technology Areas: Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

DNA Repair Capacity Kit

Technology / Case number: #15137
Leona Hunter / Zachary Nagel / Carrie Thompson / Isaac Chaim / Anwaar Ahmad / Anthony Forget
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Affinity-Based Detection of Ligand-Encoded Synthetic Biomarkers

Technology / Case number: #16292H
David Wood / Gabriel Kwong / Kevin Lin / Andrew Warren / Sangeeta Bhatia
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Immune Pharmacytes: Nanoparticle-Modified Leukocytes for Immunotherapy

Technology / Case number: #13509H
Matthias Stephan / Jae Hyun (James) Moon / Anna Bershteyn / Darrell J Irvine
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Drug Delivery / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvester With Residual Stress Induced Instability

Technology / Case number: #17145
Ruize Xu / Sang-Gook Kim
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering

Metal Spacer Enhanced Permeate Gap Membrane Distillation for Energy Efficient Desalination

Technology / Case number: #16943
David Warsinger / Jaichander Swaminathan / Hyung Won Chung / John Lienhard
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering / Industrial Engineering & Automation

Superhydrophobic Condensing Surfaces for Air Gap Membrane Distillation

Technology / Case number: #16942
David Warsinger / Jaichander Swaminathan / John Lienhard
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food / Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

PolyMOFs: Hybrid Materials With Combined Gel and MOF Properties Via Metal-Ligand Coordination and Self-Assembly

Technology / Case number: #16872
Jeremiah A. Johnson / Aleksandr Zhukhovitskiy / Niels Holten-Andersen / Scott Grindy / Ken Kawamoto
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Use of Gel Pads or Particles with Oil Isolation to Create Small Reaction Volumes

Technology / Case number: #16388
Patrick Doyle / Rathi Srinivas
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Novel Thermal Desalination Structures With and Without Thermal Vapor Compression

Technology / Case number: #16554J
Alexander Mitsos / Tawfiq Dahdah
Technology Areas: Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Localized Solar Collectors

Technology / Case number: #16537
Hadi Ghasemi / Amy Marconnet / George Ni / Gang Chen
Technology Areas: Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Particle Filtering Drip Irrigation Emitter Inlet

Technology / Case number: #25643
Amos Winter / Ben Judge / Aditya Avinash Ghodgaonkar / Sarah Sams / Nadine Zaza / Benjamin Weizer / Christy Huynh / Andrea Molina-Dejesus
Technology Areas: Environmental Engineering / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Methane Absorbing Polymers for use in Methane Concentration and Separations

Technology / Case number: #26018
Haosheng Feng / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Regenerative Bioreactor via Ion Concentration Polarization Waste Removal

Technology / Case number: #25819
Junghyo Yoon / Eric Wynne / Jongyoon Han
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 298 results

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