Available Technologies


Clean Noisy Image Decomposition For Self Supervised GAN Speckle Reduction For Synthetic Aperture Radar

Technology / Case number: #22903L
Prafull Sharma / Michael Newey
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Communication Systems / Computer Science

QGRAND - Quantized Guessing Additive Noise Decoding

Technology / Case number: #23943J
Kenneth Duffy / Evan Gabhart / Muriel Medard
Technology Areas: Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Neural Efferent and Afferent Control of Spring Equilibrium, Damping, and Power in Backdrivable and Non-Backdrivable Series-Elastic Actuators Comprising Variable Series Stiffness Mechanisms

Technology / Case number: #20960TE
Matthew Carney / Roman Stolyarov / Emily Rogers-Bradley / Seong Ho Yeon / Hugh M Herr
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Two Person Mixture Deconvolution for Application with ForenSeq Kintelligence Workflow

Technology / Case number: #24078L
Philip Fremont-Smith / Chelsea Lennartz / Natalie Damaso
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Molecular Spatial Mapping Of Metastatic Tumor Microenvironment

Technology / Case number: #22132HR
Aviv Regev / Johanna Klughammer / Daniel Abravanel / No Inventor
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
  • Women's Health

Elastic Strain Engineering for the Design of Electronic Materials

Technology / Case number: #20804VJ
Ju Li / Zhe Shi / Evgenii Tsymbalov / Alexander Shapeev / Subra Suresh / Ming Dao
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Algorithm for Canceling Interference from 5G Base Stations

Technology / Case number: #25089L
Binoy Kurien / Michael Endres / Bryan Ehlers / Jesmin Khan
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Wideband Equalization of Narrowband Receiver

Technology / Case number: #18302L
Xiao-Yu Wang / Matthew Guyton
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Plug-and-Play Reconfigurable Electric Power Microgrid

Technology / Case number: #19465L
Xia Miao / Rupamathi Jaddivada / Marija Ilic
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Novel Technique for Adaptive Digital Cancellation Using Probe Waveforms

Technology / Case number: #19414L
Jonathan Doane
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Optimized Opsin Trafficking with Fluorescence-Dead Protein Fusions

Technology / Case number: #18783TE
Edward Stuart Boyden / Kiryl Piatkevich / Aimei Yang / Demian Park
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Drug Discovery and Research Tools / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

A Dynamic Single-Cell Fragility Test that Assesses Red Blood Cell Membrane Integrity with Applications to Stored Blood

Technology / Case number: #25732J
Fang Kong / Subra Suresh / Ming Dao
Technology Areas: Diagnostics / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Timely Randomization Applied to Commodity Executables at Runtime (TRACER)

Technology / Case number: #18642L
William Streilein / Thomas Hobson / Hamed Okhravi / Robert Rudd / David Bigelow / David Perry / Kristin Mead (Dahl)
Technology Areas: Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Oblique Illumination Strategy and Analysis Method for Discrimination of Cell Groups Using Wide Field of View Microscopy

Technology / Case number: #18351K
Shivang Dave / German Serrano / Jason Tucker-Schwartz
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Sensing & Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Active Wafer-Scale Reconfigurable Logic Fabric for AI and High-Performance Embedded Computing

Technology / Case number: #24171L
Albert Reuther / Rabindra Das / Vitaliy Gleyzer / Brian Tyrrell
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Microwave Single-Photon Detection using a Hybrid Spin-Optomechanical Quantum Interface

Technology / Case number: #25627
Dirk R Englund / Ethan G Arnault / Pratyush Anand
Technology Areas: Computer Science / Electronics & Photonics

Frameshift Suppressor tRNAs for Canonical Amino Acids

Technology / Case number: #21418TREJ
Kevin Esvelt / Erika Alden DeBenedictis / Ahmed Badran
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Personalized Bundle Recommendation System and Method

Technology / Case number: #18579J
Georgia Perakis / Anna Papush / Pavithra Harsha / Arun Hampapur / Markus Ettl
Technology Areas: Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Method to Pattern Cells (Crude Blood) on a (Planar) Surface

Technology / Case number: #15262
Shivang Dave / German Serrano
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Diagnostics / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

In-Band Full-Duplex Antenna with Direction Finding Capability

Technology / Case number: #24517L
Ken Kolodziej / Bradley Perry / William Moulder / David Bragdon / Pierre Dufilie
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 651 results

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