Biomarkers and Therapeutics for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #13589P
The invention relates to methods for diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, particularly for autism spectrum disorders characterized by increased head size (circumference) and deficits in social behavior.
Damon Page
Mriganka Sur
Departments: Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: DNA & RNA Editing / Therapeutics: Nucleic Acids, Proteins & Antibodies, Small Molecules
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders and its treatment with an antagonist or inhibitor of the 5-ht2c receptor signaling pathway
United States of America | Granted | 8,940,732 -
diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders
Japan | Published application -
diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders and its treatment with an antagonist or inhibitor of the 5-ht2c receptor signaling pathway
United States of America | Granted | 9,730,945
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