Available Technologies


Acid-Gas Regeneration Process for Ex-Situ Carbon Mineralization of Magnesium Silicate Minerals

Technology / Case number: #26097
Yogesh Surendranath / Anatole Borisov
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering

N-Heterocyclic Imine as a Potential Redox-Active Sorbent for Electrochemical CO2 Separation

Technology / Case number: #26251
Betar Gallant / Fang-Yu Kuo / Glen Junor / Akachukwu Obi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering

Decoupling CO2 Capture and Electrochemical Sorbent Regeneration with Nanofiltration

Technology / Case number: #26244
Simon Rufer / Tal Joseph / Zara Aamer / Kripa K Varanasi
Technology Areas: Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering / Sensing & Imaging

Intermediate Temperature Steam Electrolysis In a Molten Salt Electrolyte

Technology / Case number: #26155
Yogesh Surendranath / Rui Zeng / India Cox
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering

CO2 Adsorbents Based on MgO Nanoparticle Clusters Coated with Alkali-Metal Salts

Technology / Case number: #18109
T. Alan Hatton / Takuya Harada
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering
  • CO2 Capture

CMOS Readout Circuit Architecture for Large-Format Small-Pixel Photon Counting Focal Plane Arrays Using Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiodes

Technology / Case number: #13765L
Matthew Renzi / Daniel Schuette / Robert Reich / Brian Aull
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging

Patterned Light Beam and Patterned Light Block for Particle Position Measurement

Technology / Case number: #11699L
Jonathan Lin / George Haldeman / Antonio Sanchez-Rubio / Thomas Jeys / Vincenzo Daneau / Ronald Hoffeld / Nicholas Judson
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging

PolyMOFs: Hybrid Materials With Combined Gel and MOF Properties Via Metal-Ligand Coordination and Self-Assembly

Technology / Case number: #16872
Jeremiah A. Johnson / Aleksandr Zhukhovitskiy / Niels Holten-Andersen / Scott Grindy / Ken Kawamoto
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Luminescent Sensors for Electrophiles

Technology / Case number: #11833
Samuel Thomas / Koushik Venkatesan / Timothy Manning Swager
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Sensing & Imaging

Materials and System Design for Thermally Regenerative Electrochemical Cycle for Low-Grade Heat Harvesting

Technology / Case number: #16329J
Yi Cui / Seok Woo Lee / Hadi Ghasemi / Yuan Yang / Gang Chen
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization

Nanoscale Thermal Conduits to Create High Power Thermoelectric Waves from Stored Chemical Energy

Technology / Case number: #13666
Michael S. Strano / Joel Abrahamson / WonJoon Choi / Jae-Hee Han
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization

Scalable Biomass-Derived Hydrogels for Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Capture

Technology / Case number: #25513
T. Alan Hatton / Youhong (Nancy) Guo
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Lipase-Expressing E. Coli

Technology, Tangible Property / Case number: #25403
Ariel Furst / Gang Fan / Barathkumar Baskaran
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Nanoengineered Hierarchical Polysulfone Membrane for Emulsion Separation

Technology / Case number: #15286
Nasim Hyder / Brian Solomon / Kripa K Varanasi
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization

Surface Area Enhancement-Based Mass Exchangers for Compact, Low-Energy CO2 Capture

Technology / Case number: #24567J
T. Alan Hatton / Dimitrios Papageorgiou / Marc Hodes / Vaibhav Bahadur / Darren Crowdy
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering
Impact Areas: Climate Stabilization
  • CO2 Capture

Visible Light-Driven CO2 Capture and Release Using Photoactive Pyranine in Water in Continuous Flow

Technology / Case number: #25603
T. Alan Hatton / Hyowon Seo / Johannes Schretter
Technology Areas: Communication Systems / Environmental Engineering / Sensing & Imaging
  • CO2 Capture

Carbene- and Carbone-Diborepinium Ions with Blue to Red-Emission

Technology / Case number: #25844
Robert Gilliard / Kim Hollister
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

Composite Anti-Fouling Coatings Designed via Full Spectral Hamaker Constant Minimization

Technology / Case number: #21606J
Michael Short / Max Carlson / Robert Simpson
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering

Catalytic Oxidation Reactors for the Removal of Low-Level Methane in Air

Technology / Case number: #24434
Desiree Plata / Asegun S Henry / Mehdi Pishahang / Qingzi Zhu / Rebecca Brenneis / Anastasios John Hart
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials / Environmental Engineering

DNA Based Immobilization for Improved Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction

Technology / Case number: #23961
Ariel Furst / Gang Fan
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Energy & Distribution / Environmental Engineering

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 35 results

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