Available Technologies


Predictor of Deletions after Targeted Chromosome Cleavage

Technology / Case number: #21045
Max Shen / Jonathan Hsu / David K Gifford
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science

A Novel Bio-Inspired Actuator Design

Technology / Case number: #24990
Daniela Rus / Chao Liu / Andrea Moncada / Hanna Matusik / Deniz Erus
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Industrial Engineering & Automation
Impact Areas: Connected World

Mobile Physical Telemedicine

Technology / Case number: #24924
Johannes Lachner / Federico Tessari / Neville Hogan
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Communication Systems / Computer Science / Industrial Engineering & Automation

All-CMOS Compressive Sensing for Biological Imaging

Technology / Case number: #19165P
Jonathan Newman / Jie Zhang / Sang Chin / Matthew Wilson
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science / Sensing & Imaging

Secure and Stable Wireless Communication for an Ingestible Device

Technology / Case number: #25143J
Giovanni Traverso / Adam Gierlach / James McRae / Yeseul Jeon / Ian Ballinger / Anantha Chandrakasan
Technology Areas: Biomaterials & Bioelectronics / Biotechnology / Communication Systems

Transformable Pneumatic Soft Structures

Technology / Case number: #22336
Athina Papadopoulou
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Communication Systems / Industrial Engineering & Automation

Molecular Memory Retrieval by Position-based Addressing

Technology / Case number: #21829
Tyson Shepherd
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Connected World

Flat Pack Face Shield

Technology / Case number: #22311
Jonathan Hunt / Angelina Jay / Seth Avecilla / Robyn Goodner / Martin Luther Culpepper
Technology Areas: Biotechnology

Brain-Computer Interface for User's Visual Focus Detection

Technology / Case number: #20246
Alexandre Armengol Urpi / Sanjay Emani Sarma
Technology Areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) / Biotechnology

Syncells - Artificial Colloidal Folded 2d Electronic State-Machines - Fabrication and Applications

Technology / Case number: #19030
Michael S. Strano / Tianxiang Liu / Pingwei Liu / Daichi Kozawa / Volodymyr Koman
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Industrial Engineering & Automation / Sensing & Imaging

METRAN - Software for 13C-metabolic Flux Analysis

Software / Case number: #12397
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Computer Science / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
  • Expedited License

Set of Educational Building Blocks to Model the Process of Assembly of Proteins from Amino Acids

Technology / Case number: #18361
Kathleen Mead Vandiver / J. Kim Vandiver
Technology Areas: Biotechnology
Impact Areas: Connected World

A Multispectral-Hyperspectral Imaging Method and Device

Technology / Case number: #17412
Juejun Hu / Tian Gu / Derek Kita / Fleur Jacolien Fok / Junying Li / Lionel Kimerling / Anuradha Murthy Agarwal / Kazumi Wada
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Electronics & Photonics / Sensing & Imaging

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 33 results

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