Waveguide-Coupled Resonant Germanium-on-Silicon Photodetector

A photodetector includes a germanium layer evanescently coupled to a ring resonator. The ring resonator increases the interaction length between light guided by the ring resonator and the germanium layer without increasing the size of the photodetector, thereby keeping the photodetector's dark current at a low level. The germanium layer absorbs the guided light and converts the absorbed light into electrical signals for detection. The increased interaction length in the resonator allows efficient transfer of light from the resonator to the germanium layer via evanescently coupling. In addition, the internal and external quality factors (Q) of the ring resonator can be matched to achieve (nearly) full absorption of light in the germanium with high quantum efficiency.


Jie Sun / Erman Timurdogan / Zhan Su / Ehsan Shah Hosseini / Michael Watts

Technology Areas: Computer Science: Networking & Signals / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics, Semiconductors
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • apparatus, systems, and methods for waveguide-coupled resonant photon detection
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application
  • apparatus, systems, and methods for waveguide-coupled resonant photon detection
    United States of America | Granted | 9,939,586

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