TRAV-007 (Genome Sequencing) 62/790,799

The invention provides devices and methods for measuring how living cells function. The measurements can be made from tissue biopsy samples to measure functional properties of living cells from a solid tumor. After measuring a functional property of a cell, the cell remains alive and is available for other subsequent analyses. In certain aspects, the invention provides a method for measuring a cancer marker. The method includes obtaining a tissue sample comprising living cells, disaggregating the tissue sample and loading individual live cells into an input channel of a measurement instrument, and flowing the live cells through the measurement instrument to measure a functional property of the live cells. 


Robert Kimmerling / Mark Stevens / Keith Ligon / Scott Manalis

Departments: Department of Biological Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Sensors & Monitoring / Diagnostics: Assays / Drug Discovery and Research Tools: Cell Interrogation
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • functional analysis of cancer cells
    United States of America | Published application
  • functional analysis of cancer cells
    European Patent Convention | Published application

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