Transdermal Optogenetic Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

A nerve in a mammal is optogenetically transduced, wherein the nerve is susceptible to stimulus by selective application of transdermal light, and a light source is applied to dermis of the mammal at or proximate to the optogenetically transduced nerve, to thereby stimulate the nerve. A wearable device for optogenetic motor control and sensation restoration of a mammal includes a wearable support, a power source at the wearable support, a controller at the wearable support and in electrical communication with a power source, and a transdermal light source coupled to the controller.


Anthony Zorzos / Benjamin Maimon / Hugh Herr

Departments: Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Prostheses, Sensors & Monitoring

  • transdermal optogenetic peripheral nerve stimulation
    European Patent Convention | Published application
  • transdermal optogenetic peripheral nerve stimulation
    United States of America | Granted | 11,504,530
  • transdermal optogenetic peripheral nerve stimulation
    United States of America | Published application

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