Stable Three-Axis Nuclear Spin Gyroscope in Diamond

This invention is used in navigation, inertial sensing, rotation sensors, mobile and geodetic applications.  


Paola Cappellaro / Ashok Ajoy

Departments: Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics: Quantum Technology
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • stable three-axis nuclear spin gyroscope
    United States of America | Granted | 9,417,068


The invention overcomes the drawbacks of current gyroscopes by introducing a quantum sensor that provides a sensitive and stable three-axis gyroscope in the solid state. The Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) based gyroscope includes a diamond structure implanted with multiple NV centers, whose nuclear spins form a spin gyroscope. A number of radio-frequency coils and microwave coplanar waveguides are fabricated on the diamond structure to provide a sensitive and stable three-axis gyroscope in the solid state.  

Problem Addressed  

The most widely used commercial gyroscopes are built using micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. Despite its several advantages over other systems, they suffer sensitivity drifts after a few minutes of operation. Therefore, there is a need for a commercial gyroscope that offers the advantages of MEMS-based systems with little or no sensitivity drift.  


  •       Better stability and higher sensitivity than conventional MEMS-based gyroscopes  


Stable Three-Axis Nuclear Spin Gyroscope in Diamond. Physical Review A 86, no. 6 (December 11, 2012). American Physical Society.


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