Radio Frequency Cyber Physical Sensing Modes for Non-Invasive Faults Diagnosis of Rotating Shafts
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #22500J
Faults in rotating machines can be diagnosed or detected using two radio frequency (RF) sensing modes. RF sensing phenomenon can be used to detect the presence of undesirable behavior in rotating machines including excessive bending, vibration, eccentricity, torsion, and longitudinal strain. RF based sensors represent a non-invasive solution.
Steven Yeung
Mikio Furokawa
Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Takayuki Hirano
Ali Hamoud M AlShehri
Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Networking & Signals / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Logistics / Sensing & Imaging: Acoustics
Impact Areas: Connected World
radio frequency cyber physical sensing modes for non-invasive faults diagnosis of rotating shafts
China | Published application -
radio frequency cyber physical sensing modes for non-invasive faults diagnosis of rotating shafts
United States of America | Published application -
radio frequency cyber physical sensing modes for non-invasive faults diagnosis of rotating shafts
Japan | Published application -
radio frequency cyber physical sensing modes for non-invasive faults diagnosis of rotating shafts
European Patent Convention | Published application
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