A Phononic Bus for Coherent Interfaces Between a Superconducting Quantum Processor, Spin Memory, and Photonic Quantum Networks

A hybrid quantum system performs high-fidelity quantum state transduction between a superconducting (SC) microwave qubit and the ground state spin system of a solid-state artificial atom. This transduction is mediated via an acoustic bus connected by piezoelectric transducers to the SC microwave qubit. For SC circuit qubits and diamond silicon vacancy centers in an optimized phononic cavity, the system can achieve quantum state transduction with fidelity exceeding 99% at a MHz-scale bandwidth. By combining the complementary strengths of SC circuit quantum computing and artificial atoms, the hybrid quantum system provides high-fidelity qubit gates with long-lived quantum memory, high-fidelity measurement, large qubit number, reconfigurable qubit connectivity, and high-fidelity state and gate teleportation through optical quantum networks.


Dirk R Englund / Matthew Trusheim / Matthew Eichenfield / Tomas Neuman / Prineha Narang

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Quantum Computing / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • phononic bus for coherent interfaces between a superconducting quantum processor, spin memory, and photonic quantum networks
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