Optically-Steered Omni-Antenna for Free-Space Laser Communication

A beam steering system for a free-space laser communication system in a satellite includes a laser that emits a laser beam, a liquid lens assembly with at least one liquid lens to change the direction of the laser beam, and an amplifying optic to amplify the change in direction of the laser beam. The beam steering system may be used to steer a laser beam transmitted to another satellite or received from another satellite. In one example, a satellite may include two beam steering systems, disposed at opposing ends of a frame, where each steering system is configured to cover a hemisphere such that together, the steering systems can transmit and/or receive a laser beam over a 4π steradian sphere. The beam steering system may include a transmit feedback system and a reception system to monitor the direction and signal of the transmitted beam and the received beam, respectively.


Kerri Cahoy / Christian Haughwout / James Clark / Paula do Vale Pereira

Departments: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Satellites / Computer Science: Networking & Signals / Electronics & Photonics: Lasers / Sensing & Imaging: Optical Sensing
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • liquid-lens based optical steering system for free-space laser communication
    United States of America | Granted | 10,826,609

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