Methods for Enabling In-Field Selection of Near-Sensor Digital Imaging Functions

An imaging device is often paired with a readout integrated circuit (ROIC), which provides processing and data transfer functionality. The circuitry of a ROIC is typically specialized to meet the requirements of an application, which limits the ROIC to a few modes of operation and restricts compatibility to only certain types of imaging devices and applications. Furthermore, the circuitry supporting the processing functionality is limited due to size constraints on the ROIC. These shortcomings can be overcome with a field programmable imaging array (FPIA), which can be implemented as an integrated circuit combining customized ROIC sensor interface circuitry with field programmable gate array (FPGA) circuitry to enable post-fabrication definition of ROIC operational modes. An FPIA chip may form part of a three-chip stack that also includes an analog sensor interface chip for analog-to-digital conversion and an imaging device.


Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Networking & Signals / Electronics & Photonics: Semiconductors
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • methods for enabling in-field selection of near-sensor digital imaging functions
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application
  • methods for enabling in-field selection of near-sensor digital imaging functions
    United States of America | Granted | 10,771,722

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