A LiDAR Device Based on Scanning Mirrors Array and Multi-Frequency Laser Modulation

A LiDAR device that transmits a single or multiple continuous or intermittent laser beams to the environment and detects the reflected light on one or more detectors. The LiDAR device may include a scanning mirrors array composed of a single or multiple moving mirrors capable of changing the direction of the transmitted light. The scanning mirrors array may also include sensors and actuators which can be used to precisely control or measure the position of the mirrors. The LiDAR device may also include a lens that focuses the light captured by the mirror(s) onto a single or a multitude of detectors. The device may include laser sources and detectors operating in various wavelengths. The LiDAR device may also include laser power modulation mechanisms at a single or multitude of frequencies to improve signal detection performance and remove any ambiguity in range calculation.


Iman Bozchalooi / Kamal Youcef-Toumi

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Wireless / Electronics & Photonics: Lasers / Sensing & Imaging: Optical Sensing
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • a lidar device based on scanning mirrors array and multi-frequency laser modulation
    United States of America | Granted | 10,649,072

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