Fenestration Alignment Program

Patient-specific implants with fenestration(s) positioned at locations specific to patient’s anatomy at the site of implantation. Automated methods for making the patient-specific implants through fenestration alignment are described. Devices for making the patient-specific implants are also described. Typically, the devices operate on input of the fenestration alignment derived from the automated method. The devices and methods may form patient-specific linear (isodiametric) as well as patient-specific tapered (heterodiametric) implants with fenestrations.


Ellen Roche / Tom Dillon / Patric Liang / Marc Schermerhorn

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Sensors & Monitoring / Sensing & Imaging: Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • device and method for fenestration alignment
    United States of America | Published application
  • device and method for fenestration alignment¿
    European Patent Convention | Published application

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