A Dynamic Soft Robotic Heart Model Combining Biohybrid Materials

A biorobotic hybrid heart that preserves organic intracardiac structures and mimics cardiac motion by image-guided replication of the cardiac myofiber architecture of the left ventricle with an active synthetic myocardium that drives the motion of the heart. The active soft tissue mimic is adhered to the organic endocardial tissue in a helical fashion using a custom-designed adhesive to form a flexible, conformable, and watertight organic synthetic interface.


Xuanhe Zhao / Hyunwoo Yuk / Ellen Roche / Clara Park / Christopher Nguyen

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Tissue Engineering / Chemicals & Materials: Polymers / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Robotics

  • organosynthetic dynamic heart model
    United States of America | Published application

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