Directional Force Sensing Element
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #18084L
A directional force sensor and sensing system are described. The directional force sensor includes a leaf spring and one or more load sensors disposed about the leaf spring such that in response to a force applied to the leaf spring, the one or more load sensors provide a signal. A controller is coupled to receive signals from the one or more directional force sensors and determines characteristics of forces applied to the directional force sensors.
Joseph Lacirignola
David Aubin
Jeffrey Palmer
David Maurer
Ninoshka Singh
Christine Weston
Andrew Dumas
Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Computer Science: Networking & Signals / Sensing & Imaging: Optical Sensing
Impact Areas: Connected World
directional force sensing element and system
United States of America | Granted | 10,222,278
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