Cyber Sensing for Power Outage Detection

A method for cyber sensing for power outage detection includes receiving a selected geographic region for detection and monitoring of power outages; gathering Internet Protocol (IP) network addresses of IP networks within the geographical region; filtering the gathered IP network addresses of IP networks within the geographical region, wherein the gathered IP network addresses of IP networks within the geographical region are referred to herein as geo-relevant IP network addresses; calculating a baseline value for each geo-relevant IP network; scanning the filtered geo-relevant IP network once per predefined time interval, so that each individual IP address within each geo-relevant IP network is tested for response and determining how many devices within the geo-relevant IP network positively respond to the testing; periodically repeating the step of scanning and comparing scan results; and displaying results of scanning.


Charles Rose / Adam Norige / Ezra Dantowitz / Kendra Kratkiewicz

Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Satellites / Computer Science: Networking & Signals
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • system and method for cyber sensing for power outage detection
    United States of America | Granted | 10,812,351

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