Continuous Flow Lithography
Invention type: Technology
Case number: #11917
In a method for synthesizing polymeric microstructures, a monomer stream is flowed, at a selected flow rate, through a fluidic channel. At least one shaped pulse of illumination is projected to the monomer stream, defining in the monomer stream a shape of at least one microstructure corresponding to the illumination pulse shape while polymerizing that microstructure shape in the monomer stream by the illumination pulse.
Patrick Doyle
Daniel Pregibon
Dhananjay Dendukuri
T. Alan Hatton
Departments: Department of Chemical Engineering
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Sensors & Monitoring / Chemicals & Materials: Polymers / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Manufacturing & Equipment
Impact Areas: Healthy Living
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
United States of America | Granted | 7,709,544 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
Canada | Granted | 2,626,799 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
European Patent Convention | Granted | 1,946,186 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
Australia | Granted | 2,006,306,204 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
Japan | Granted | 4,954,216 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
Korea (south) | Granted | 10 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
United States of America | Granted | 9,910,352 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
Germany | Granted | 1,946,186 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
France | Granted | 1,946,186 -
microstructure synthesis by flow lithography and polymerization
United Kingdom | Granted | 1,946,186
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