Combined Intensity and Coherent Change Detection for Synthetic Aperture Radar

Described embodiments detect changes in a scene over time using first and second images of the scene. A non-coherent intensity change detector detects large-scale changes between the first image and the second image and generates a large-scale change value for pairs of corresponding pixel locations in the first and second images. If the large-scale change value for a given pair of pixel locations reaches a threshold, a coherent change detector is used to detect small-scale changes between the first and second images. A small-scale change value is generated for the given pairs of pixel locations in the images. A composite change value is generated by combining the large-scale change value and the small-scale change value for each pixel pair. The change thresholds are used to determine whether a change in the scene has occurred over the time period.


Christ Richmond / Miriam Cha / Rhonda Phillips / Patrick Wolfe

Departments: Lincoln Laboratory
Technology Areas: Communication Systems: Wireless / Sensing & Imaging: Acoustics, Optical Sensing
Impact Areas: Connected World

  • combined intensity and coherent change detection in images
    United States of America | Granted | 10,037,477

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