Angular Photonic Band Gap

Angular photonic band gaps transmit or absorb electromagnetic radiation based on the polarization and reflecting electromagnetic radiation of certain frequencies. Applications for this effect are found in solar energy, as this technology enables a nearly perfect greenhouse effect. Also, this invention will be useful for structures designed to "trap" light of a known incidence angle.  


Rafif Hamam / Michael Ghebrebrhan / Adrian Yeng / John D Joannopoulos / Marin Soljacic / Peter Bermel / Ivan Celanovic

Departments: Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, Department of Physics
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Composites / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics / Energy & Distribution: Energy Storage, Photovoltaics
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

  • discriminating electromagnetic radiation based on angle of incidence
    United States of America | Granted | 9,057,830
  • discriminating electromagnetic radiation based on angle of incidence
    United States of America | Granted | 0


This invention presents a novel class of material systems that strongly discriminate light based on the angle of incidence, over a broad range of frequencies, and irrespective of the polarization. The meta-material system proposed consists of a one-dimensional periodic photonic crystal whose constituents possess anisotropic properties. This photonic material comprising of a plurality of photonic crystals can be used to selectively transmit and/or selectively absorb one portion of incoming electromagnetic radiation while reflecting another portion of incoming electromagnetic radiation. The design structure opens an angular gap for both polarizations over a certain frequency range with the possibility of enlarging the frequency range to the specific angular discrimination desired.  

Problem Addressed

An issue with current technology is the low efficiency of the solar-energy conversion, which is limited by re-radiation of sunlight, consequently causing energy loss. This invention demonstrates how light close to normal incidence can be near perfectly transmitted, independent of polarization. Moreover, this invention uses photonic crystals whose constituents have an anisotropic dielectric and/or magnetic response to enable such transmission.


  • Reduces energy loss
  • Wider range of light that can be identified  

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