Name Wisely: Navigating Trademarks at MIT

Discover essentials for choosing and using names and logos at MIT. Email us for guidance.

Before adopting a name or logo for use in describing technology, research, or a program within a DLC, Makerspace, or student group at MIT, it's crucial to carefully consider your choice. Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Evaluate Potential Trademark Infringement: Consider whether the name or logo you plan to use might infringe on another entity's trademark. This step is essential to avoid legal complications and potential conflicts with other trademark owners.

  2. Consider Trademark Protection: In cases where your group's name will be used extensively outside of MIT, such as in a curriculum shared with other institutions, you might want to consider applying for trademark protection.

  3. Seek Expert Guidance: If you are uncertain about whether trademark registration is beneficial for your group's name, contact the Technology Licensing Office for advice and assistance.

  4. Be Mindful of Future Complications: Remember that if a trademark owner contacts you later requesting a name change, this could lead to significant costs and inconvenience, especially if you have already invested in communication materials and have begun promoting your group within and outside the MIT community.

For guidance and support, please email us at or reach out to Office of General Council (OGC).