Kevin Esvelt

Associate Professor

Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Technology Areas
Biotechnology: DNA & RNA Editing / Drug Discovery and Research Tools: Animal Models, Cell Lines & Organoids, Genomics & Proteomics / Chemicals & Materials: Catalysis & Synthesis / Computer Science: Bioinformatics


Methods of Breeding, Maintaining, and Releasing Wild-Like Organisms with Desired Genetics

Technology / Case number: #20965TEJ
Kevin Esvelt / Sam Telford III
Technology Areas: Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Single-Step Insertion into Repeated Regions for Efficient Multi-Locus Assortment and Daisyfield Drive

Technology / Case number: #19136TJE
Kevin Esvelt / Jianghong Min / Charleston Noble
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools

Frameshift Suppressor tRNAs for Canonical Amino Acids

Technology / Case number: #21418TREJ
Kevin Esvelt / Erika Alden DeBenedictis / Ahmed Badran
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

Daughterless Male Mammals for Population Suppression

Technology / Case number: #21866TE
Kevin Esvelt
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

Methods of Enhancing the Survival of Introduced Genes and Organisms

Technology / Case number: #22105TE
Kevin Esvelt / Sarah Vitak
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Drug Discovery and Research Tools
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Methods of Multiplexing CRISPR

Technology / Case number: #21646TE
Kevin Esvelt / Mariah Savoie (Avila) / Ashton Strait / Emma Chory
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Computer Science
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

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