Andrei Loas

Research Laboratory Operations Manager

Department of Chemistry
Technology Areas
Biotechnology: Synthetic Biology, DNA & RNA Editing / Chemicals & Materials: Catalysis & Synthesis / Therapeutics: Proteins & Antibodies, Nucleic Acids, Small Molecules


An Efficient Bioconjugation Technology for Site-Selective Covalent Modification of Antibodies using an Engineered Affinity Peptide

Technology / Case number: #25358
Bradley L. Pentelute / Andrei Loas / Jacob Rodriguez / Heemal Dhanjee / Aurelie Rondon / Katsushi Kitahara
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Therapeutics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

Synthesis of Covalent Protein Dimers that can Inhibit MYC-Driven Transcription

Technology / Case number: #23305WJ
Bradley L. Pentelute / Isaac Klein / Carly Schissel / Sebastian Pomplun / Andrei Loas / Jacob Rodriguez / Muhammad Jbara / Ann Boija / Susana Hawken / Charles Li / Stephen Buchwald
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Therapeutics

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