Available Technologies


Organelle-Selective Gene Delivery and Expression in the Chloroplast in planta using Chitosan-Complexed Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Carriers

Technology / Case number: #20537
Michael S. Strano / Seonyeong Kwak / Tedrick Salim Lew
Technology Areas: Biotechnology / Chemicals & Materials / Drug Delivery

Device and Method for Isolation and Detection of Soluble or Particulate Analytes from Complex Background Matrices

Technology / Case number: #23246
Rohit N Karnik / Krithika Ramchander / Emily Hanhauser / Mary Strawser / Chun Man Chow
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food / Diagnostics / Sensing & Imaging

A Microbial Electrochemical Technology to Detect and Degrade Organophosphate Pesticides

Technology / Case number: #23586
Ariel Furst / Rachel Ahlmark / Amruta Karbelkar / Erin Reynolds
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food / Biotechnology / Diagnostics

The technologies listed represent a selection of the MIT intellectual property protected by the TLO.

filtered: 3 results

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