Upconversion Utilizing Thin Film Colloidal Nanocrystals and Organic Materials

This invention introduces an innovative method for light upconversion by using a unique composition and process. It employs an organic material, a nanocrystal, and a ligand to convert incoming light into higher-energy photons. This technology overcomes limitations in existing upconversion approaches and holds promise for a wide range of applications.


Daniel Congreve / Nicholas Thompson / Mark Wilson / Mengfei Wu / Moungi G Bawendi / Vladimir Bulovic / Marc Baldo

Departments: Department of Chemistry, Office of the Vice President for Research
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomanufacturing / Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Energy & Distribution: Electrochemical Devices
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • methods and compositions for the upconversion of light
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application
  • methods and compositions for the upconversion of light
    United States of America | Granted | 9,944,847

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