Systems and Methods for Enabling Non-Contact Laser Ultrasound

A system and method for noncontact ultrasound imagery capable of generating images in a manner that is safer for eyes and skin is provided. A photoacoustic excitation source may be employed to direct light signals with wavelengths of 1400-1600 nanometers into the patient to generate acoustic disturbances that induce propagating photoacoustic waves. The acoustic disturbances may be translated in defined directions to cause coherent summation of the propagating photoacoustic waves and, thereby, generate a resultant acoustic and/or elastic wave to probe structures within the patient. Vibrations created by the scatter of the resultant wave are detected at the surface of the patient and ultrasound images of the structures within the patient may be generated. Detection of the vibrations may be performed using a laser vibrometer. The excitation and detection systems may be used separately or in combination. Ultrasound images can be generated without physically contacting the patient.


Departments: Lincoln Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems, Sensors & Monitoring / Sensing & Imaging: Acoustics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • system and method for non-contact ultrasound image reconstruction
    Patent Cooperation Treaty | Published application

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