Stacked Switched Capacitor Energy Buffer Circuit

SSC energy buffer circuit includes a switching network and a plurality of energy storage capacitors. The switching network may operate at a relatively low switching frequency and can take advantage of soft charging of the energy storage capacitors to reduce loss. Efficiency of the SSC energy buffer circuit can be extremely high compared with the efficiency of other energy buffer circuits. The SSC energy buffer architecture exhibits losses that scale with the amount of energy buffered, such that a relatively high efficiency can be achieved across a desired operating range. Improvements in SSC energy buffer circuits include, in various implementations, the use of ground reference gate drive, the elimination of a separate precharge circuit through control of at least a portion of the switches of the SSC energy buffer circuit, and/or optimized ratio of capacitance values of two or more capacitors in an SSC energy buffer circuit.


Minjie Chen / Khurram Afridi / Yu Ni / Curtis Serrano / Benjamin Montgomery / Saad Pervaiz / David J Perreault

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics: Semiconductors / Energy & Distribution: Distribution
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

  • stacked switched capacitor energy buffer circuit
    United States of America | Granted | 10,205,400

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