Spray-Coating Method with Particle Alignment Control

A simple spray coating process can be utilized to create epoxy/HNT nanocomposites with vertically aligned nanotubes. Important mechanical properties such as modulus and hardness values can be optimized and enhanced by controlling the level of nanotube dispersion during processing and the final orientation of the nanotubes. Thus, a technologically relevant processing scheme can be used to fabricate HNT nanocomposites with a high level of control over nanotube alignment and the resulting mechanical properties.


Dayong Chen / Roberta Polak / Kenan Song / Khalid Askar / Michael F Rubner / Robert Cohen

Departments: Center for Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Composites, Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials, Polymers
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • spray-coating method with particle alignment control
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