Solid-State Activation of Li202 Oxidation Kinetics and Implications for Li-O2 Batteries

Transition metal nanoparticles can enhance oxidation kinetics in rechargeable lithium-air batteries. This technology has application for industries that require high-energy density battery systems, such as the electric vehicle industry.


Koffi Pierre Yao / Fanny Barde / Yang Shao-Horn

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Energy & Distribution: Energy Storage
Impact Areas: Sustainable Future

  • rechargeable electrochemical system using transition metal promoter
    United States of America | Published application
  • rechargeable electrochemical system using transition metal promoter
    Japan | Granted | 7,201,321
  • rechargeable electrochemical system using transition metal promoter
    Japan | Granted | 7,248,632


This technology uses transition metals to promote the generation of oxygen involved in Li2O2 oxidation. Use of transition metals as catalytic material can improve stability, cycling, and efficiency of electrochemical systems. The catalytic material can include nanoparticles or other compositions of molybdenum (Mo), chromium (Cr), or their oxides for use in electrodes. Use of these transition metals as promoters in Li2O2 oxidation kinetics can lower charging potentials and enhance efficiency of lithium-air batteries.

Problem Addressed

Existing lithium-air battery designs suffer from slow charge/recharge rates due to poor oxidation kinetics of Li2O2 formed upon discharge of the electrochemical system. This requires large voltages for Li2O2 oxidation to occur and results in low roundtrip efficiencies of rechargeable lithium-air batteries. In addressing the slow fundamental kinetics of recharge, this technology employs transition metals to serve as catalytic materials.


  • Enhanced efficiency of lithium-air batteries
  • Lower recharge potentials
  • Use of catalytic materials free of expensive precious metals or their oxides  



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