Single Photon X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) for Computation of Linear Attenuation Map Via Temporal Modulation of Photon Flux

For each X-ray path through a tissue, numerous trials are conducted. In each trial, X-ray photons are emitted along the path until a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode “clicks”. A temporal average—i.e., the average amount of time elapsed before a “click” occurs—is calculated. This temporal average is, in turn, used to estimate a causal intensity of X-ray light that passes through the tissue along the path and reaches the diode. Based on the causal intensities for multiple paths, a computer generates computed tomography (CT) images or 2D digital radiographic images. The causal intensities used to create the images are estimated from temporal statistics, and not from conventional measurements of intensity at a pixel. X-ray dosage needed for imaging is dramatically reduced as follows: a “click” of the photodiode triggers negative feedback that causes the system to halt irradiation of the tissue along a path, until the next trial begins.


Rajiv Gupta / Ramesh Raskar / Achuta Kadambi / Adam Pan

Departments: Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Sensors & Monitoring / Sensing & Imaging: Imaging
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • methods and apparatus for x-ray imaging from temporal measurements
    United States of America | Granted | 10,527,562

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