Silk Materials to Deliver PGPR

The use of biological fertilizer combined with microbes can be used instead of herbicides, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Silk and trehalose dry films can be used as seed coatings to localize and quantify delivery of plant microbes to mitigate plant stress and soil salinity. Similar microbes can be delivered using the same technology.


Benedetto Marelli / Augustine Zvinavashe

Departments: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Technology Areas: Agriculture & Food: Delivery / Chemicals & Materials: Polymers

  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    Brazil | Pending
  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    Canada | Published application
  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    China | Published application
  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    European Patent Convention | Published application
  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    India | Pending
  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    Japan | Published application
  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    Mexico | Pending
  • biomaterial-based compositions to delivery plant growth promoting microbes
    United States of America | Published application

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