Self-Bearing Hysteresis Motor for Rotary Pumps

This technology can be used in making:

  • Miniature pumps for biomedical applications
  • Precision pumps for chemical and semiconductor industries
  • Turbo-molecular pumps for vacuum industries
  • High-speed motors for machining 
  • Turbochargers
  • Actuator motors in electric vehicles
  • Turbines


Minkyun Noh / David L Trumper

Departments: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technology Areas: Chemicals & Materials: Nanotechnology & Nanomaterials / Energy & Distribution: Electrochemical Devices / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Motors
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • homopolar, flux-biased hysteresis bearingless motor
    United States of America | Granted | 10,177,627


This technology uses a self-bearing hysteresis motor as the electromechanical device that transforms the input electric power to output mechanical power in a rotational form in order to pump the fluid. The pump impeller is magnetically levitated and rotates without any mechanical connections such as bearings and shafts. Absence of permanent magnets or saliency features in the pump results in reduced manufacturing cost as well as lower vibration level during the operation.

Problem Addressed

Several chemical and biological processes require pumps to transport delicate fluids such as biological and chemical reagents. In these sensitive processes, usage of traditional pumps can lead to potential contamination of the transport fluid with the pump lubricants. Moreover, the properties of the transport fluid can be changed due to the stress and heat developed in a conventional pump.


  • Low cost
  • Low vibration
  • Zero contamination of the process fluid with the pump lubrication
  • Reduced mechanical stress and heat on the process fluid
  • Disposable impeller modules
  • High rotational speed can be achieved
  • Low operating power for the levitation mechanism


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