Ring Laser with Power Build-up Cavity for Chemical Sensing

A system includes a build-up cavity to locally increase the power of light beams within the build-up cavity, where the light beams interact with samples to sense a substance of interest. The build-up cavity is disposed within a main cavity that includes a gain material to amplify the light beams. A portion of the light beams oscillating in the build-up cavity propagators through the build-up cavity and functions as a feedback to control the linewidth of the light beams. The two cavities can function as two separate “filters” and light beams at wavelengths that propagate through both of these “filters” can be preferentially amplified. The combination of the build-up cavity and the main cavity can achieve high power and narrow linewidth for the light beams without complex electronics, thereby decreasing the size, weight, and power (SWaP) of the system.


Shawn Redmond / Thomas Jeys

Technology Areas: Electronics & Photonics: Lasers / Sensing & Imaging: Chemical & Radiation Sensing
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • apparatus, methods, and systems for high-power and narrow-linewidth lasers
    United States of America | Granted | 10,203,285

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